Our office understands the importance of having a professional web presence for our faculty, staff and students.

Biography (Bio.) pages are available for all faculty and staff, as well as doctoral students or student employees (at the department's discretion). Additionally, professional website hosting is available for full-time faculty with the support of Information Technology.

Please click on the tabs below to get information on:

  • Faculty and Staff Biographies (Bios) (see a sample Faculty/Staff bio)
  • Photo for bio pages
  • Web Presence for Full-time Faculty, including
    • Faculty Websites: Elementor
    • Faculty Websites: Faculty.uml.edu
    • Course Materials

Once you've done so please submit a Bio Update Form.

As of November 2020, faculty bios are fully hosted in Tridion with the exception of Manning School of Business faculty. Through contract renewal with Watermark, faculty of the Manning School will continue to update all of their content through the . The 51视频 web office maintains the component and page of all uml.edu bios, so MSB faculty must聽submit a Bio Update Form, to have a uml.edu presence. DM content will feed into MSB bios with the exception of the image and the title.

Below is the template for the faculty and staff bios that include all of the available fields.

You do not have to fill out all of them in order to have a published bio (those required are indicated with an asterisk*).

There are many bios that consist of as little as name, title, phone and email, however many have all or most of these fields filled out. You can also view your area's department etc. list to get a better idea what others have done.

The fields available in the bio template consist of:

  • First Name*
  • Last Name*
  • Suffix (Ph.D. etc.)
  • Title
  • Pronouns
  • Department*
  • Office
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Email*
  • Expertise/Activities (this is what feeds to the list view along with the name and department as well)
  • Educational Background (school, degrees 鈥 Ph.D. etc.)
  • Research Interests
  • Biosketch
  • Selected awards and honors
  • Selected publications
  • Selected presentations
  • Selected intellectual property
  • Selected artistic and professional performances and exhibits
  • Selected contracts, fellowships, grants and sponsored research
  • Research currently in progress
  • Attachment (place for CV etc. in pdf format, please note that we will be checking this document for accessibility which may cause delays)
  • Website (faculty or other)
  • Headshot Photo

Our team generally completes requests for bios within three weeks but could take considerably longer at the beginning of each semester due to the high volume of requests.

Submit Bio Update Form

Faculty, staff and students with bio pages are encouraged to use headshots submitted via the Online Biography Update Form.

You can also submit your own photo using a digital camera or phone. Find a space with good natural lighting and a blank white or neutral-colored wall. Have another person use the camera/phone and stand 4-6 feet away from you with their back to a window (in order to get natural light). A standard cell phone is able to capture a professional photo.

Photo Requirements

  • Color, not black and white, photo
  • At least 800 x 800 pixels after cropping and original can not be smaller than that.
  • Photo should be tight on subject with not too much space to the left/right or above/below
  • No props (hats, sunglasses etc.) or other people in the photo
  • Subject should be looking at the camera
  • A photo that includes your head and upper torso, at least, so we can crop to the appropriate focus

Professional head-shot photographs can be taken at for a minimal charge billed to your department. Their Lowell location is at 5 Webber St., Lowell, telephone: 978-937-0101.

If a professional headshot is not available, the standard blue silhouette can be used. Please indicate your preference of a male, female or gender neutral silhouette on the Biography Update Form.

Please email: webcontent@uml.edu if you need further assistance with your bio or bio photos.

The Academic Technology Committee offers two opportunities for an online presence to provide faculty with professional websites to enhance the national visibility that 51视频.

These solutions provide faculty with easy-to-use tools to create dynamic, mobile-responsive and ADA-compliant pages. The the first solution, sites.uml.edu, is a WordPress environment hosted by CampusPress running the 鈥楨濒别尘别苍迟辞谤鈥 page builder. This widget-based editor and template is expected to be the more desirable solution due to the ease of use, number of features, and lack of HTML coding.

The second solution, faculty.uml.edu is a secure SFTP server, will allow faculty to easily migrate existing content from faculty.uml.edu to this new environment. Faculty.uml.edu is designed for faculty interested in using standard HTML editing software, like Adobe Dreamweaver.

Please email: Robert_Coppenrath@uml.edu or call Tech Services at 978-934-4357 for more information.

Faculty Websites: Elementor

CampusPress is a webpage builder that offers faculty the freedom to customize and personalize web content with the ease of page templates & 鈥渄rop and drag鈥 widget technology. The end result allows faculty to reach high-end web designs, without coding that is optimized for every device and screen.

After requesting a website from sites@uml.edu, you will receive an email notification when setup is complete.

To login once your site has been set up, go to https://sites.uml.edu/Your First-Your Last Name and click on the Login button in the footer of your new website and then on the "Use My ID" button. If prompted for credentials, enter your current @uml.edu credentials and password.

Once logged into your site, you can add content and update/create sub-pages by scrolling down and clicking on "Pages," choose the page you want to edit and select "Edit with Elementor".

To request a site or if you have any questions please email: sites@uml.edu.

Faculty Websites: Faculty.uml.edu

Faculty.uml.edu is a secure SFTP server. It is designed for faculty interested in using standard HTML editing software, like Adobe Dreamweaver.

Faculty SFTP is a secure server for faculty interested in using standard HTML editing software, like Adobe Dreamweaver, to maintain faculty web presence.

For general questions, email: sites@uml.edu.

Course Materials

The 51视频 Blackboard Portal provides access and instructions for On-Campus and Online instruction. Blackboard Learn 9.1 is the official Learning Management System (LMS) for 51视频. The LMS provides faculty with a robust platform for teaching web-enhanced, blended and fully online courses. Email: bbhelp@uml.edu, if you have questions or need assistance.

Find all the information you need on the IT website.