The Office of Research and Innovation is proud to acknowledge the latest awards received by 51视频 researchers below. For additional information about specific awards, please email

2023 Awards

You may also view our past awards:

January 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Agar, ErtanFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringMassachusetts Clean Energy Center Catalyst Award Program$58,260
Agar, ErtanFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical &听 Industrial EngineeringC1-22 - SBU-UML Navy Research and Demonstrations of Energy Resilience Technologies$238, 951
Ahmadzadeh, RezaKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceCAREER: Robot Learning of Complex Tasks via Skill Reusability and Refinement$399,164
Angulo, AJCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of EducationEnglish Access Microscholarship Virtual Exchange Program$70,000
Avitabile, PeterFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical听& Industrial听EngineeringHybrid Strain/Acceleration Vibration Qualification Approaches$200,000
Baillargeon, MercedesCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesWorld Languages and CulturesMissed Connections: (Post)Nationalism, Intimacy, and Identity in Contemporary Qu茅bec Cinema$4,950
Block, StephanieCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesPsychologyCaregiver Support in the Prosecution of CSA$81,276
Carreon, MariaFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringCAREER: Cold plasma intensified perovskite membrane technology for CO2 utilization$424,698
Chen, Wan-TingFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringIdentify and screen polymer blends with soy biomass for horticultural applications$20,000
Cornell, DavidZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPhysical TherapyEV: CLIN 3201 - EX9 - Use of contemporary wearable technologies to identify and manage training load and fatigue among military tactical athletes$38,450
Das, SoumitaZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesRepurposing of Pan-ErbB Inhibitors to Protect from Coronaviral Infection, Inflammation and Lung Injury$39,000
Ford, TimothyZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesInnate responses following infection with enteric microbes$289,524
Gallas, KristinCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesTsongas Industrial History CenterEnvironmental Youth Task Force Meeting Facilitation$4,322
Gignoux-Wolfsohn, SarahKennedy College of SciencesBiological SciencesIdentifying biomarkers of resistance to Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease$67,872
Hoppin, PollyZuckerberg College of Health SciencesUniversityCancer and Environment Toolkit for States$20,000
Johnston, StephenFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringEV: CLIN 2801 - MN28P2 - Evaluation of Conductive Fillers to Tune the Electrical and Optoelectrical Properties of Polymer Fibers and Textiles - PH2$100,000
Kim, JonghanZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesMitochondrial iron export therapy for doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity$666,297
Kirschbaum, SheilaCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesTsongas Industrial History CenterCurriculum writing for Dragonfly Mercury Project (citizen science)$2,000
Kirschbaum, SheilaCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesTsongas Industrial History CenterMassachusetts Cultural Council operating support$19,300
Kosny, JanFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringC2-22 - SBU-UML Navy Research and Demonstrations of Energy Resilience Technologies$228,250
Kurup, PradeepFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringEV: CLIN 3001 - MN36 - Data Fusion based Spectroelectrochemical Detection of Pesticides and Organics$350,001
Li, WenjunZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthSupporting Treatment Access and Recovery through Linkage and Support (STAR-LS)$66,142
Nagarajan, RamaswamyFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringEV: CLIN 3101 - AT1P2 - Development of multifunctional textiles and milligram scale flame calorimetry for evaluating flammability parameters of textiles$402,798
Niezrecki, ChristopherFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringProject 1: 51视频 - Central Maine Power Company Collaboration and Master Funding Agreement$1,000,000
Niezrecki, ChristopherFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringADMIN - SBU-UML Navy Research and Demonstrations of Energy Resilience Technologies$183,113
Ross, MichaelKennedy College of SciencesChemistryE6-22 - SBU-UML Navy Research and Demonstrations of Energy Resilience Technologies$252,769
Sabato, AlessandroFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial ngineeringB1-22 - SBU-UML Navy Research and Demonstrations of Energy Resilience Technologies$257,004
Sabato, AlessandroFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial Engineering73 Meter Turbine Blade Modal Test Support$10,384
Shemelya, CoreyFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringConformal Circuits for Doubly Curved Structures$174,985
Sherwood, James A.Francis College of EngineeringFrancis College of EngineeringIBAS National Imperative for Industrial Skills Full Proposal: Advanced Manufacturing Technologist Training for the Aerospace & Defense Industry of Massachusetts$2,008,655
Strack, GuinevereFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringEV: CLIN 2901 - MN30P2 - Controlling Diode Behavior and Rectification Using a Magnetic Field$89,000
Toof, RobinCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences2023听 Shannon CSI Lowell LARP$62,368
Van Dam, NoahFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial EngineeringE8-22 - SBU-UML Navy Research and Demonstrations of Energy Resilience Technologies$183,080
Wei, ZhenglunFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringPediatric LVAD$69,655
Xi, JinxiangFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringCFD and In Vitro 3D Model Simulation for Local Delivery of Dry Powder Formulations to Pharynx in Adults$45,621
Xi, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistryDisulfide Bond Map LC-MS of Palleon Samples$7,500
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistryA RP-HPLC/MS Method for Identifying and Quantifying 'Nicked' Species$1,000
Yanco, HollyKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceRobotics and Automation Decision Framework for Agility and Resilience (RADAR)$89,454
Yu, HengyongFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAI-based Cardiac CT$40,000
Yu, HongKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceEvaluating the impact of the U.S. eviction moratoria on acute care use and costs$995,509

February 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Akyurtlu, AlkimFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringRaytheon - Engineering Services$140,065
Akyurtlu, AlkimFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringDevelopment of Low-Loss Dielectrics for RF Applications$175,000
Barry, CarolFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringEV: Non-Perfluoroalkyl and Non-Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Elastomeric Chemical Barrier Materials (SBIR)$34,957
Downen, PaulKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceCRII: SHF: Codata: A Logical Fusion of Object-Oriented and Functional Programming$174,728
Enah, ComfortZuckerberg College of Health SciencesSolomont School of NursingGMedical Information Service via Mobile Telephone (m-MIST驴) Provider Support to Improve Pregnancy Outcomes$9,005
Harris, ChristopherCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies2023 Local Action Research Partner for the Shannon CSI: Lawrence$70,922
Inalpolat, MuratFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial听 EngineeringA Novel Structural Health Monitoring System for Offshore Wind Turbine Blades$800,000
Kim, JonghanZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesLong-Acting, Short-Residing Nanochelators for Iron Overload Therapy$281,702
Kirschbaum, SheilaCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Tsongas Industrial History CenterTsongas Industrial History Center Partnership$163,647
Kirschbaum, SheilaCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesTsongas Industrial History CenterExtended-Day Programming for Murkland Elementary School, Lowell$25,740
Li, WenjunZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthIntern$23,823
Mead, JoeyFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringRCR: Phase I IUCRC at University of Massachusetts Lowell: Center for Science of Heterogeneous Additive Printing of 3D Materials (SHAP3D)$54,982
Mead, JoeyFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringElectrospinning of Porous Mats$12,666
Miadich, SamanthaCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesPsychologyTargeted Research Grant in Pediatric Psychology$20,000
Mingels, BradleyFrancis College of EngineeringFrancis College of EngineeringMassachusetts Electronics Manufacturing Evolution$499,965
Morose, GregoryZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthKansas Partners Identify and Implement P2 Strategies that Address P2 National Emphasis Areas$23,937
Narain, SashankKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceLightweight Scalable Secure 5G and Beyond Networks$39,709
Stapleton, ScottFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial听 EngineeringComposites Forming and Testing$4,200
Tucker, KatherineZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesLife's Essential 8 Diet Score$5,000
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistrySEC-MALS Analysis of Three Protein Samples from MassBiologics$2,130
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistryDifferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Analysis of Palleon Samples$1,000
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistryCircular Dichroism (CD) Analysis of Palleon Samples$900
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringClosed-loop Controlled Continuous Bioprocessing toward Maximum Productivity and Quality$444,605
Yu, HongKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceSocial and behavioral determinants of health and Alzheimer's Disease: Cohort study of the US military veteran population$796,315
Zhang, SheldonCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesPrevention of Tracking Person in the communities affected by Climate Change in Kenya$224,302

March 2023 March-2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Angulo, AJCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of EducationHistory of Education Quarterly$52,605
Buchholz, BryanFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringThe Center for Advancing Point of Care in Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Diseases$228,332
Delhommelle, JeromeKennedy College of SciencesChemistryEnergy-efficient Self-Organization and Swarm Behavior in Active Matter$332,879
Gignoux-Wolfsohn, SarahKennedy College of SciencesBiological SciencesCollaborative Research: ORCC: Carryover effects of multiple climate change stressors in oysters: mechanisms and consequences across stages of ontogeny$157,537
Kirschbaum, SheilaCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesTsongas Industrial History CenterCurriculum Based Programs to Enrich Content Understanding and Skill Development on the American Industrial Revolution$68,735
Li, WenjunZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthTrial of Metformin for TB/HIV Host-directed Therapy$15,172
Lohmeier, JillCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of EducationEvaluation of Lowell Community Schools$24,500
Rimshisky, AnnaKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceCollaborative Research: Machine Learning for Student Reasoning during Challenging Concept Questions$171,743
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistrySOW A-5: Photostability of Protein Therapeutics$6,260

April 2023 April-2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Akyurtlu, AlkimFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAdditively Manufactured Prototypes (AMP) for Hardware Technology Protection$190,530
Akyurtlu, AlkimFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringInvestigation of Aerosol Jet Printing for Multi-Layer and Densely Packed, Meandering Conductive Traces$61,694
Armiento, CraigFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAdditively Manufactured Prototypes (AMP) for Hardware Technology Protection (HTP)$112,000
Bobek, LeoKennedy College of SciencesRadiation LaboratoryEPA Radiation Safety Training$8,644
Chow, Kwok FanKennedy College of SciencesChemistryQuantification of calcium and phosphate ions released from dental materials$1,200
Cook, TimothyKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied Physics51视频's participation in MSGC activities - Spring 2023$19,000
Lawton, CarlFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringAnalysis of Nova Biomedical Instruments: Comparison to standard Methods$79,188
Masato, DavideFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringPolycarbonate injection molding for color testing$4,000
Mead, JoeyFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringDevelopment of PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl or Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) free Superhydrophobic Coatings for Textile Applications$125,000
Podolskiy, ViktorKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsUltra-Compact Machine-Learning-Driven Platform for Room Temperature Mid-Wave Infrared Remote Sensing$125,000
Stapleton, ScottFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical & Industrial听 EngineeringCompaction of Woven Textiles using Virtual Textile Morphology Software (VTMS)$62,250
Szczesiul, StacyCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesDiversifying the Educator Workforce through UML Pathways$393,406
Xie, DongmingFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringNIH/SBIR Phase II: Optical Redox Probe for Continuous Metabolic Monitoring during Natural Products Bioprocessing$148,819
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistrySOW A-3: VP Characterization of Three AAV Samples$7,500
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringAdvanced Bioprocess Sensor and Analytical Technologies for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Online$183,333
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringEquipment: NIIMBL PC5.2-127: Advanced Bioprocessing Sensor and Analytical Technologies for Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell$375,000
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringEquipment: NIIMBL PC5.2-105: Closed-loop Controlled Continuous Bioprocessing toward Maximum Productivity and Quality$687,038
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringAlpha Testing of Maverick$64,999
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringIUCRC Phase II + Johns Hopkins University Advanced Mammalian Ciomanufacturing Innovation Center (AMBIC)$50,000
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringA sensing and switchable cell line toggles between proliferation and production modes$50,000

May 2023 May-2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Aghara, SukeshFrancis College of EngineeringFrancis College of EngineeringINI 2023$50,000
Aghara, SukeshFrancis College of EngineeringFrancis College of EngineeringSPOT III and IAT$60,000
Balsis, StephenCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesPsychologyMedtronic Summer Program in Orthopaedic Spine Research$56,264
Barsegov, ValeriKennedy College of SciencesChemistryMechanisms of mechano-chemical rupture of fibrin clots and thrombi$7,681
Barsegov, ValeriKennedy College of SciencesChemistryDeveloping Computational Methodology to Understand Impact of Lyophilization of Biopharmaceuticals$100,000
Downen, PaulKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceCRII: SHF: Codata: A Logical Fusion of Object-Oriented and Functional Programming$16,000
Dunlea, RebeccaCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesDeveloping and Testing the Community-Prosecutor-Researcher Partnership Model in Two Florida Jurisdictions$21,125
Faraji, SusanFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringThe Monitoring of Bridge #7, Hartford, Vermont, Phase 1: Construction
Franco, WalfreFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringMechanical Stress Analysis of Confined Large Skin Deformations in Response to Vacuum Pressures$150,590
Johnston, Stephen P.Francis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringSheet Extrusion of Washed Pesticide Container Flake for ACRC Risk Assessment Model$50,500
Lee, TeresaKennedy College of SciencesBiological SciencesFCOI: Linking transgenerational epigenetic inheritance to gene expression and lifespan in C.elegans$31,926
Masato, DavideFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringCooling of Injection Molding Cores$74,605
McDonough, CarolCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesEconomicsPublic Higher Ed Resources Tackling Broadband Digital Equity Gap$75,000
Nagarajan, RamaswamyFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringWearable Technologies for Physiological Monitoring$21,059
Orbey, NeseFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringHigh Energy Density Lithiated Carbon Films and Fibers for Anodes in Lithium-ion Batteries$25,000
Ranasingha, OshadhaFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringRCR: ERI: Enabling tunable electronic device fabrication on flexible substrates using Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) printable ink development$197,500
Schmid, CordulaFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringFloating Solar Winter$10,000
Schneider, JackCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of EducationMassachusetts Consortium for Innovative Education Assessment/Education Commonwealth Project$19,313
Sharma, SubashFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringDesign and Analysis of Sparging Systems for Tritium Removal from Fusion Energy Liquid Breeder Blankets$160,874
Shemelya, CoreyFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringShemelya IPA Mobility Assignment$253,000
Shen, JiabinCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesPsychologyAutism Secondary Data Analysis Program$119,907
Shortland, NeilCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesUnderstanding Influence using Personality-driven Profiles and Prevention (IP3)$148,338
Son, Seung WooFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringOAC Core: Improving Data Integrity for HPC Datasets using Sparsity Profile$600,000
Wei, ZhenglunFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringA Personalized In Vitro Flow Model for 3D Hemodynamics in Fetal Aortas$75,000
Xie, YuanchangFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringArtificial Intelligence Framework for Midblock Crosswalk Detection Across Massachusetts$46,750
Yan, WeileFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringCAS-MNP: Degradation of Plastics in the Environment: Decoupling the Roles of Polymer Type, Material Attributes, and Chemical Additives$128,319
Yan, WeileFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringRecovery of Valuable Minerals in Lithium Battery Waste via Customized Electrodialysis enhanced by Ecofriendly Ligands$25,000
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringMetabolic cytometry for in-line process analysis (SBIR)$60,000
Yu, HengyongFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringAI-based Cardiac CT$613,399
Yu, Tzu-YangFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringIntegrated University Program - Scholarship and Fellowship Support$10,000

June-2023June 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Agar, ErtanFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMissionHydro$20,000
Aghara, SukeshFrancis College of EngineeringFrancis College of EngineeringDraper Fellow/Scholar: Paul Johnson$57,726
Bello, DhimiterZuckerberg College of Health SciencesZuckerberg College of Health SciencesThe host-microbe-metformin interplay in the aged gut$141,943
Buchholz, BryanFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringRCR: FCOI: Occupational Health and Safety Training Grant - Year 19$150,000
Chow, Kwok FanKennedy College of SciencesChemistryCAS: Collaborative Research: Design, Characterization, and Modeling of Metal Nanocluster Electrocatalysts Linked to Three-Dimensional Graphene$472,244
Cimini, MatteoKennedy College of SciencesComputer SciencesRCR: SHF: SMALL: Language-agnostic Proofs$213,345
Dunlap, DeniseManning School of BusinessMarketing, Entrepreneurship and InnovationThe Center for Advancing Point of Care in Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Diseases$89,391
Guo, WeiKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsRES: NextFlex PC7.1.1 High density flex interconnects for heterogeneous system in package (SIP) Designs$150,000
Hurwitz, MatthewUniversityEnglishHigher Education Congressionally Funded Community Projects Program$1,000,000
Kriebel, DavidZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthTo protect children's environmental health$50,000
Li, YanfenFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringProfessional Research Opportunities to Prepare for Engineering and Life Sciences (PROPEL) Careers Program$54,566
McDonough, CarolCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesEconomicsDigital Literacy- Public Higher Ed Resources Tackling Broadband Digital Equity Gap$3,949,351
Moore, JeffreyKennedy College of SciencesBiological SciencesComputational Pipeline for Identification of Disease-Causing Variants in Genes of the Cardiac Sarcomere$50,000
Niezrecki, ChristopherFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMembership for NSF I-UCRC for Wind Energy Science, Technology, and Research (WindSTAR)$92,585
Palacios, NataliaZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthMicrobiome Multi-Omics and Cognitive Decline in Latinos$2,020,674
Peterson, AmyFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics Engineering2022-13.15A: Elucidating concentrated media component bucketing strategies and order of addition for process intensification$7,500
Peterson, AmyFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringTowards convergent manufacturing of next-generation composite structures$100,000
Shortland, NeilCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesP22-145 - SBIR Phase II Adoption$30,000
Sun, YuyuKennedy College of SciencesChemistryCell-binding drug delivery system for evaluation of the new CADS animal model$33,000
Tuncak, BaskutZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthAssessment of alternatives to HFCs and PFAS for refrigeration$15,000
Turcotte, DavidCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesEconomicsImprint NIOSH (SBIR)$20,000
Wei, ZhenglunFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringA Novel Flow Modeling Platform for High-fidelity Hemodynamics in Fetal Aorta$300,000
Yanco, HollyKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceLong-Term Underwater Autonomy for Surveillance and Manipulation$1,633,381
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringIUCRC Phase II+: Johns Hopkins University: Advanced Mammalian Biomanufacturing Innovation Center (AMBIC)$50,000
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringAMBIC 2022-F3: Digital Twin of Continuous Upstream Process for Intensification and CQA$9,500
Yu, HengyongFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringUnsupervised Deep PCCT Reconstruction for Human Extremity Imaging$608,268
Yu, Tzu-YangFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringUnderground inspection of the parking lot at Central Congregational Church in Chelmsford听(UCC) using ground penetrating radar$1,000
Zhang, SheldonCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesMeasuring Prevalence of Child Trafficking in Cote d'Ivoire$1,000,000

July-2023July 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Ahmadzadeh, RezaKennedy College of SciencesComputer SciencePARTICIPANTS: CAREER: Robot Learning of Complex Tasks via Skill Reusability and Refinement$16,000
Berlowitz, DanZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthIPA$15,000
Chen, LeiFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringDevelopment of Low-Cost Automatic Machine for In-House Fabrication of Custom Microwire-Based Microelectrode Arrays for Electrophysiology Recordings$466,409
Cook, TimothyKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsMA Space Grant summer 2023 fellowships at the University of Massachusetts/Lowell$20,938
Delhommelle, JeromeKennedy College of SciencesChemistryEnergy-efficient Self-Organization and Swarm Behavior in Active Matter$244,169
Fu, XinwenKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceCollaborative Research: SaTC: EDU: Creating Windows Advanced Memory Corruption Attack and Defense Teaching Modules$330,000
Inalpolat, MuratFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringDevelopment of an NVH Predictive Modeling and Analysis Tool for Future Advanced Air Mobility$177,000
Lam, Stephen Tsz TangFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringPFI (ERI): Screening and Development of Doped Mixed Metal Oxides for Resistance-Heated Thermal Energy Storage$8,000
Laycock, SilasKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsS.M.I.L.E.: Modeling Compact-Object Binary Light Curves Across the Mass Spectrum$47,344
Mead, Joey L.Francis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringRES: High Temperature Dynamic Seals for Solid Propulsion$150,000
Mingels, Bradley T.Francis College of EngineeringFrancis College of EngineeringEngineering Experience Program for current and potential Tewksbury Memorial High School Innovation Pathways students$33,170
Niezrecki, ChristopherFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringFY24 UTD - A1-23: Data-Driven Curing Cycle Optimization in Wind Blade Manufacturing$63,019
Niezrecki, ChristopherFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringFY24 UTD - A2-23: Riblet Treatments on Energy Production and Loads of Turbines$65,663
Park, Jay HoonFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringDevelopment of Advanced Outer Space Suit Shell Fabrics for Lunar Missions$47,313
Peterson, Amy MichelleFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics Engineering2022-13.15A: Elucidating concentrated media component bucketing strategies and order of addition for process intensification$16,500
Rajabiun, SerenaZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPublic HealthSpecial Projects of National Significance: Supporting Replication (SURE) of Housing Interventions in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program - Evaluation Provider$128,941
Rydberg, Jason MichaelCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesNiagara County Probation Disability Awareness Training$16,275
Weitzen, Jay AFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringResearch Services Agreement with Rage Systems$53,106
Yan, MingdiKennedy College of SciencesChemistry51视频 CPRT Pathogen Diagnostics Certificate Program$746,756
Yu, HongKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceSocial and behavioral determinants of MOUD utilization and opioid overdose$753,033
Zhang, JindeFrancis College of EngineeringNanomanufacturingExtreme Cold Weather Resistant Gasket Materials$23,724

August 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Akyurtlu, AlkimFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringMulti-material sensors on thermoplastic substrates$196,556
Ameli, 51视频alebFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringCLIN 0001 - FW-T3: Alternative Thermal Insulators for Cold Weather Boots$495,655
Balsis, Stephen MichaelCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesPsychologyYear 5 - Improving Patient Classification and Outcome Measurement in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)$27,279
Bello, DhimiterZuckerberg College of Health SciencesCollege of Health SciencesFCOI: Reactive Chemical Systems: Part B: Developing data-driven interventions$200,000
Buchholz, Bryan OFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical Engineering51视频 Innovative Fellows Training (UMass LIFT)$237,427
Buchholz, Bryan OFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical Engineering51视频 Innovative Fellows Training (UMass LIFT) - Participant Support Costs$30,160
Das, SoumitaZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical EngineeringCombinatorial Perturbation of Cellular Network in Crohn's Disease$50,050
Dunlap, DeniseManning School of BusinessMarketing, Entrepreneurship and InnovationThe Center for Accelerating Practices to End Suicide through Technology Translation (CAPES)$65,074
Dunlea, Rebecca RichardsonCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesDeveloping and Testing the Community-Prosecutor-Researcher Partnership Model in Two Florida Jurisdictions$78,875
El Ghaziri, MazenZuckerberg College of Health SciencesSchool of NursingResponding to Staff Trauma and Organizational Stress in Prisons and Jail Settings$150,153
Ghezzi, Chiara EliaFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringA 3D hiPSC cortical tissue model for quantifying the effects of galactic cosmic radiation on functional cortical networks$78,513
Harris, AndrewCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSmart FY2022 Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative$89,751
Iyer, Suri SaranathanKennedy College of SciencesChemistryTowards point of care HIV detection using repurposed glucose meters$788,528
Kao, Pei-ChunZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPhysical TherapyCLIN 0004 - FW-T5: Effects of shoe insert stiffness on walking biomechanics and energetics with and without carrying a soldier-relevant load$359,786
Kelleher, Shannon LeAnneZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesGot milk? Harnessing human milk as a liquid biopsy to diagnose lactation disorder$245,014
Kirschbaum, Sheila L.College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesTsongas Industrial History Center (TIHC)TSONGAS INDUSTRIAL HISTORY CENTER PARTNERSHIP$322,583
Li, WenjunZuckerberg College of Health SciencesDepartment of Public HealthFCOI: I4C 2.0: Immunotherapy for Cure108,063
Luo, YanFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringMain: PFI-RP: An Integrated Biosensing Platform for In-situ Pathogen Monitoring in Coastal Waters and Aquaculture$289,282
Luo, YanFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer Engineeringi-Corps: PFI-RP: An Integrated Biosensing Platform for In-situ Pathogen Monitoring in Coastal Waters and Aquaculture$50,000
Mead, Joey L.Francis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringCLIN 0003 - FW-T4.6: Evaluation of Performance & Processing for Novel Materials for Combat Boots (Soles)$585,000
Melamed, Rachel DaniaKennedy College of SciencesBiological ScienceIntegrating genetics and health data to discover common drug effects on cancer and Alzheimer's disease$364,942
Mingels, Bradley T.Francis College of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringEngineering Experience Program for current Acton-Boxborough Regional School District$12,750
Phan, Hung MinhKennedy College of SciencesMathematical ScienceDraper Fellowship Julia Koran 2023-2024$51,056
Punnett, LauraFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringFCOI: Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPH-NEW) YR3$48,553
Punnett, LauraFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringFCOI: Outreach Core YR3$49,972
Punnett, LauraFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringFCOI: Employer Crisis Preparedness YR3$20,051
Punnett, LauraFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringFCOI: SHIFT II YR3$49,603
Punnett, LauraFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringFCOI: Total Teacher Health YR3$14,881
Rajabiun, SerenaZuckerberg College of Health SciencesDepartment of Public HealthFCOI: Improving Care and Treatment Coordination: Focusing on Black Women with HIV _ Evaluation and Technical Assistance Provider$996,883
Reuther, James FredrickKennedy College of SciencesChemistryCLIN 0002 - FW-T4: Novel Lightweight, Multi-Density Polyurethane Outsoles for Army Hot Weather Boot Development$623,377
Stapleton, Scott EdwardFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRCR: Phase II IUCRC University of Massachusetts Lowell: Center for Wind Energy Science, Technology and Research (WindSTAR)$54,553
Stapleton, Scott EdwardFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCLIN 0005 - FW-T-6: Mechanical Characterization of Knits for Elite Performance Military Footwear Uppers$410,580
Toof, RobinCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesLowell FR CARA Project Evaluation$70,166
Turcotte, DavidZuckerberg College of Health SciencesDepartment of Public HealthFCOI: HDPTP - Promoting Health, Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Recovery Training$205,215
Wong, Hsi-WuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringScalable JP-10 Production from Sustainable Resources$69,872
Xi, JinxiangFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringModeling and simulations of Medspary aerosol deposition in upper and lower respiratory airways$29,999
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistryDeglycosylation and Intact LC-MS to Determine the DAR of Palleon ADC Samples$8,750
Yan, MingdiKennedy College of SciencesChemistryThe Role of Substrate in Accelerating the Reactivity of Graphene in Diels Alder Reactions$480,000

September 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Avitabile, PeterFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringGap Funding - Hybrid Strain/Acceleration Vibration Qualification Approaches$24,916
Camci-Unal, GuldenFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringCollaborative Research: Composite vascularized niches for optogenetically actives beta-cells$241,823
Che, FanglinFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringInterpretable Deep Learning for Advancing Field-Enhanced Catalysis$875,000
Chowdhury, ParthaKennedy College of SciencePhysics and Applied PhysicsNUclear Recruitment Through Undergraduate REsearch (NURTURE)$24,816
Chowdhury, ParthaKennedy College of SciencePhysics and Applied PhysicsNUclear Recruitment Through Undergraduate REsearch (NURTURE) Participant Support$79,500
Gauthier, Lynne VondaZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPhysical TherapyEV: CLIN 3601 - EX10 - Portable range of motion assessment app$219,640
Hendrickson, Jill ElaineCollege of EducationCurriculum and InstructionEducation Commonwealth Project$29,304
Inalpolat, MuratFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringEV: CLIN 3701 - EX11 - Development of Real-time Adaptive Control Strategies for Predictive Human Movement Augmentation$349,067
Johnston, Stephen P.Francis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringEV: CLIN 4201 - FR5Ph2 - Optimization of Properties and Performance of Flame Retardant Bi-Component Fiber$100,000
Kirschbaum, Sheila L.College of EducationTsongas Industrial History Center (TIHC)Unbroken Bonds: The Meaning of Slavery and Abolition in a Northern Textile City$9,511
Li, YanfenFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringGraduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Steven Evangelos$49,000
Louhghalam, ArghavanFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringCAREER: An Integrated Framework for Resilience Analytics: From Physics-based Modeling of Building Components to Dynamics of Community Level Recovery$454,237
Maiaru, MariannaFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringStudent Supplement - CAREER: Curing-Induced Microcracking in Thermoset Composites$54,984
Mingels, Bradley T.Francis College of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringEngineering Experience Program for current Burlington School students$12,750
Norton, AdamKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceEV: CLIN 4101 - UA3 - Modeling and Implementing Urban Canyon Wind Profiles Towards Benchmarking of sUAS Performance$408,469
O'Mahony, Ruairi OFrancis College of EngineeringUniversityEnvironmental Defense Fund FY23 Award$30,000
Park, Jay HoonFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringEV: CLIN 3301 - AT6 - PFAS Free Textile Coatings with Superhydrophobics and Omniphobic Behavior$348,000
Park, Jay HoonFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringDevelopment of Advanced Outer Space Suit Shell Fabrics for Lunar Missions$53,915
Ross, Michael BrendanKennedy College of SciencesChemistryEV: CLIN 4001 - MN39 - Light Driven Heating in Textiles, Polymers, and Coatings for Arctic Applications$254,939
Sabato, AlessandroFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical Engineering73mTurbine Blade Modal Test Support$10,791
Sobkowicz Kline, Margaret JFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringEV: CLIN 3901 - MN38 - Packaging with aqueous dissolution and enzymatic disposal (PADED)$290,660
Stapleton, Scott EdwardFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringEV: CLIN 3501 - AT8 - Textile-Integrated听 electronic connectors for high-speed data and power transfer$355,470
Sun, YuyuKennedy College of SciencesChemistryEV: CLIN 3401 - AT7 - Self-plasticizing PVC coatings reinforced with surface functionalized silk for applications under extremely low-temperature conditions$307,859
Toof, RobinCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesLowell Community Health Center Partners in Prevention Project$180,178
Tuncak, Baskut OrsZuckerberg College of Health SciencesDepartment of Public HealthCraft Beverage Sector Alternatives Performance Validation for New England$39,945
Wei, JianqiangFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringRecycled Ground-Glass Pozzolan (RGGP) for Use in Cement Concrete$250,00
Xie, DongmingFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringUpcycling Waste Polyethylene into Nylon Precursors and Platform Chemicals via A Hybrid Pyrolysis-Biomanufacturing Approach$463,136
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringIdentification and comparison of metabolic inhibitors between BMSCHO cells grown in fedbatch and perfusion production bioreactors$5,000
Zhang, HualiangFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringEV: CLIN 3801 - MN37 - Customized Eye Tracking Systems Integrated with Weapon Sight$349,329

October 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Aghara, SukeshFrancis College of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringINI 2023$95,625
Chen, JulieUniversityUniversityUMass Asian American Leadership, Education, Access, and Data (AA LEAD)$500,000
Das, SoumitaZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesCombinatorial Perturbation of Cellular Network in Crohn's Disease$109,822
Hillier, Ashleigh J.College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences笔蝉测肠丑辞濒辞驳测听Concentration in Developmental Disabilities$13,143
Jandel, MarianKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsEnhancing Nuclear Data Measurements at the UMASS Lowell Research Reactor$210,000
Konow, NicolaiKennedy College of SciencesBiological ScienceMuscle Mass: a Critical but Missing Component in Muscle Modeling and Simulation$203,055
Pagsuyoin, ShereeFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringCoupled Acoustical Wave Micropillar Detection of Drugs in Blood Postmortem$66,668
Shortland, Neil DavidCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesP22-145 - SBIR Phase II Adoption$214,797
Song, PaulKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsStatistical Studies of High-Power Whistler Wave Transmissions from a Space-Borne Transmitter$273,495
Tucker, Katherine LouiseZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesUNH REDCap training$500
Xia, WeimingKennedy College of SciencesBiological ScienceMaximizing Veterans' Access to Medicine for Alzheimer's Disease Under the New Therapeutic Paradigm$1,500,000
Xie, YuanchangFrancis College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringRailroad Grade Crossing Profile Data Collection and Modeling$352,500
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistrySEC-MALS Analysis of Five Protein Samples from MassBiologics$3,550
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringRCR: AccelNet-Implementation: International Biomanufacturing Network (IBioNe)$76,393
Yoon, SeongkyuFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringImplementation of Digital Twin Model for Continuous Upstream Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing$447,703
Zhang, Sheldon XiaodongCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesReducing Domestic Servitude through Capacity Building - Tanzania$20,000
Zhang, Sheldon XiaodongCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesFuture-proofing LGBT+ livelihoods to reduce trafficking vulnerability$99,030

November 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Bello, DhimiterZuckerberg College of Health SciencesCollege of Health SciencesA Novel and Practical Intervention for Detoxification of PFAS in Humans$334,660
Chakrabarti, SupriyaKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsAstronetX$25,512
Chen, Wan-TingFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringWater Resources Research Center Massachusetts FY21 Annual Application$50,000
Donohoe, Kerry F.UniversityUniversityLouis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation STEM Pathways and Research$15,200
Donohoe, Kerry F.UniversityUniversityLouis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation STEM Pathways and Research$10,000
Ford, Timothy EZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional Sciences"ahbahjipdooneh woolibahmowsoowahkn": reclaiming indigenous health through water and food sovereignty$239,604
Gage, Matthew J.Kennedy College of SciencesChemistryToxicology Testing for Biomanufactured Foods$78,197
Ghezzi, Chiara EliaFrancis College of Engineering
Biomedical EngineeringTECHNICAL: The Center for Advancing Point of Care in Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Diseases$87,183
Gignoux-Wolfsohn, Sarah AnnaliseKennedy College of SciencesBiological ScienceLeveraging a Natural Bleaching Event to Assess Links between Bleaching and Disease$80,751
Kim, Yu HoZuckerberg College of Health SciencesPhysical TherapyHow Small and Weak Muscles Develop in Friedreich's Ataxia Patients$156,500
Linebarger, ChristopherCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesIntelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence (IC CAE)$17,675
Moore, Jeffrey RobertKennedy College of SciencesBiological ScienceComputational Pipeline for Identification of Disease-Causing Variants in Genes of the Cardiac Sarcomere$49,436
Perliger, Arie LeonCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice Studies
Networks and Pathways of Violent Extremism: Effectiveness of Dis/ Misinformation Campaigns$68,864
Reuther, James FredrickKennedy College of SciencesChemistryTailorable, Dynamically-Crosslinked Polymer Adsorbents for Targeted Capture and Release of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS)$50,00
Tucker, Katherine LouiseZuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional Sciences
Jackson Heart Study$42,501
Xie, YuanchangFrancis College of Engineering
Civil and Environmental EngineeringMaine Advanced Signal Control and Connected Vehicle System for Safe, Efficient and Equitable Rural Transportation (MAST)$150,000
Xu, JinKennedy College of SciencesChemistrySOW A-4: VP Characterization of AVV Samples$5,000
Yu, HengyongFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringMachine Learning Enabled Detection of Spoilage and Foodborne Pathogens Using Paper Chromogenic Arrays of Dye-Impregnated Porous Nanosilica$50,000

December 2023

Principal InvestigatorCollegeDepartmentProject TitleAward Amount
Agar, ErtanFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMushroom-Inspired Vanadium Extraction$32,500
Angulo, AJCollege of EducationCurriculum and Instruction2024 Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Grant Program$131,395
Angulo, AJCollege of EducationCurriculum and Instruction2024 Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Grant Program$103,605
Barry, Carol M.F.Francis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringCompounding and Extrusion of LLDPE Blown Film with New Additives$7,500
Buchholz, Bryan OFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringADMINISTRATION: The Center for Advancing Point of Care in Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Diseases$182,388
Chandra, KavithaFrancis College of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringArchitecture Trades for 'optimum' Neuromorphic Processing of event-based Image Intelligence$21,504
Che, FanglinFrancis College of EngineeringChemical EngineeringMachine Learning Guided Understanding Thermal Intensification of Gas-Solid Catalysis$70,000
Cohen, OferKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsInfluence of Stars and Planets on Atmospheric Retention and Habitability$77,623
DeLisle, Giulia PoCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesWorld Languages and CulturesRoma: una prospettiva artistica sulla capitale$3,151
Dunlap, DeniseManning School of BusinessMarketing, Entrepreneurship and InnovationDISSEMINATION: The Center for Advancing Point of Care in Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Diseases$89,349
Garelnabi, Mahdi O.Zuckerberg College of Health SciencesBiomedical and Nutritional SciencesA novel low-cost, point-of-care test for hemoglobinopathies for use in underserved communities$74,826
Hajjarian Kashany, ZeinabFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringAn optical approach to 3-dimensional micro-mechanical imaging of the extra-cellular matrix (ECM)$139,129
Hansen, Christopher JFrancis College of EngineeringMechanical EngineeringHT-MAX: High-throughput Materials Discovery for Extremes$611,000
Harris, AndrewCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesEvaluation Services for BJA Tribal Justice Program$74,657
Hu, WenKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceIPA - Wen Hu 2023-2024$37,861
Jandel, MarianKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsCENTAUR: Nuclear Science in Service to the Nation$6,782
Kazmer, David OFrancis College of EngineeringPlastics EngineeringResearch Services Agreement on Multi-Layer Films between Endurans and 51视频$17,765
Laycock, SilasKennedy College of SciencesPhysics and Applied PhysicsSoftware and Hardware Upgrades to Improve Remote and Autonomous Observation of Variable Star Astronomy$3,500
Lee, Seung EunCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesThe Trends, Patterns, and Tactics of Cyberattacks on the Korean Peninsula: An Open Source and Computational Approach$40,000
Liu, WeisongKennedy College of SciencesComputer ScienceIPA - Weisong Liu 2023-2024$92,040
Luo, YanFrancis College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringSupplement: PFI-RP: An Integrated Biosensing Platform for In-situ Pathogen Monitoring in Coastal Waters and Aquaculture$16,000
Reuther, James FredrickKennedy College of SciencesChemistryNevermore PFAS: On-demand Capture, Degradation and Release of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances$32,500
Rice, Serena GailFrancis College of EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringTrade Union Staff Health and Well-Being: A Mixed Methods Study$20,000
Sherwood, James A.Francis College of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringStudy of Wearable Electronics - STATSports$12,335
Sherwood, James A.Francis College of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringStudy of Wearable Sensor System - Whoop$12,850
Shortland, Neil DavidCollege of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesSchool of Criminology and Justice StudiesPsychological trauma incidence in security and terrorism researchers$34,502
Waghmare, IndrayaniKennedy College of SciencesBiological ScienceMechanisms of Wg/Wnt regulation by glypican Dlp$249,000